How To Get Along With Other People By Seeing Them Through A Different Perspective | Ep. 30


To me, one of the hardest things about being a person is figuring out how to get along with other people. It seems like there’s always some problem, some conflict, some battle. It makes sense, though—we’re all walking around at the very same time with our private thoughts and our private wants and needs, our private circumstances and private memories of past circumstances.
— FROM ' How To Get Along With Other People By Seeing Them Through A New Perspective'

A conversation about shifting one’s perspective so that when other people behave in ways that are toxic to us, we don’t have to internalize the toxicity and have our days be ruined. Instead we can see the situation differently, and through doing so, find empathy for ourselves and maybe even for those most difficult people in our lives.

(Suitable for tweens, teens and adults.)

Jessica Kane