Go easy on yourself. Please don’t clump your healing into yet another thing you think you have to achieve asap to get someplace better fast. Those messages of “more” “better” “now” are so pervasive. But what I’m realizing is healing begins with “acceptance now” and creating from there.
Even if you don’t want things to stay the same, to me, it’s important to accept what’s happening right now in order to really understand what in fact is happening. Not just our upset about it, not just our longing for better situations, but examining the ingredients of what our current situation is made up of.
That way we can truly understand what’s not working for us and begin to imagine what it would look and feel like if things *were* working according to our own standards.
We can ask ourselves, “What might I insert into this moment right now so it’s more aligned with what’s meaningful to me? Maybe sharing more of who I am in my community? Maybe creating something new in my community based on who I am? Maybe finding some more support from
someone who has skills where I don’t yet have skills?”
It’s hard to get someplace else when we’re giving ourselves a hard time. We need to build ourselves up and appreciate who we already are right now and then insert those most authentic parts of who we are into our current environments and see how our environments slowly begin to transform.