Planting seeds...


I think the reason some kids don’t do well with school is because some kids are led by their own interests, and they are naturally driven to grow through their own interests.

Ideally, they’d need only space and time and some resources and like-minded people to nurture their ideas, along with the fertilizer of our guidance and loving awareness. 

But this seems nearly impossible the way most school systems are structured today.

Even though so many teachers and administrators are well-intentioned, these interest-led kids are often seen as defiant.

But what’s really going on is that many of these kids physically cannot meet the expectations of the classroom bc their brains have simply not been designed to.

But instead of letting these kids explore their own interests, they’re given accommodations to try and make it less painful for them to meet the expectations that are in the interest of the classroom.

I have a feeling that school systems will one day find a way to accommodate many different styles of learning, but for now, us parents of interest-led kids are kind of left to our own devices to do whatever we can to make sure our kids’ natural seeds get to blossom.


Jessica Kane