Something New Trying To Emerge...


Whenever I feel stuck, I long for a breakthrough. To crack my veneer and step outside of my safety and into something new.

But having a breakthrough isn’t a graceful process. We literally have to birth ourselves through something very small to enter the bigger space we long for.

I often wonder why we stop tallying milestones after walking and running. We still have to figure out where we want to go and who we want to be on our journey there.

And just the act of going anywhere can be a scary endeavor, because it’s so unpredictable. But yet, we also know that staying stuck winds up being equally deadly, maybe more.

I’m not saying we have to pack up and ship out.

Breaking through can be done not only in distances but in depths. So long as you travel somewhere, the destination doesn’t seem so important. Just that you’re breaking through what you already know to discover something new.

But when you do embark, please make sure you take with you some self-soothing for when you get hurt, and some values to anchor you so you don’t get lost.

And don’t forget to share what you discover, it just might help someone else feel less alone and stuck.

Jessica Kane