Feed It to the Worms


If you ever get scared, or mean, and you wonder if maybe you’re not such a good or brave kid after all . . . I’ll tell you what you do:

Take those feelings and feed ’em to the worms.

“Did you say worms?”

Yes, I did.

Did you know, no matter where you are,

underneath you, there’s a world of worms?

Even if you’re on the top of a skyscraper or on an airplane-

way down under the ground, the worms are there. And they’re hungry.

And you know what they like to eat best? All your bad feelings.

Tastes just like pizza to them. Yup. Even the ones that make you want to bite your mom, or make you wanna throw your toys,

or make you wake up crying in the middle of the night.

Just gather them all up and toss ’em all down.

The wormies’ll thank you.

They thank me all the time!


From Feed It to the Worms, a collection of very short stories for small children.

Jessica Kane