Living Breathing Being...


I remember one night, I was in such a bad space.

Each negative thought was a ladder deeper down into this pit, where I couldn’t see anything of value about myself to be proud of.

In that space I dwelled on all the painful things that had happened and all the stupid things I said and did, and felt like I should just stay hidden inside myself instead of taking up any more space out there in the world.

And at some point, I heard this kind voice, a voice I often hear deep inside myself, that comforts me when I’ve lost the ability to comfort myself.

And the voice said, "My dear, would you like to know the most warped thing I’ve ever seen?”

And I said, “What.”

And the voice said, "The image you have of your own self. You’re allowed to feel down. But please don't forget to separate your circumstances from the incredible living, breathing being that you are."

And those words elevated me. And I carry them with me now.

So if you’re feeling bad about yourself, please remember, the image of yourself that you’re imagining is you, is not at all a clear picture of what’s real.

What’s real is that who you are, is an incredible living breathing being, full of gifts to share.


Jessica Kane