Shoving too much under the rug...


Sometimes instead of dealing with my feelings, I push them under the rug to deal with later. But I’ve learned that this is never a good idea. Because new feelings keep coming and next thing I know, I’ve got a mountain of unfelt feelings that I don’t know how to sort through.

I used to feel so resentful of all the people who never checked in with me about my feelings, until it occurred to me that I actually never checked in with myself about these feelings.

I’m still not the best at feeling my feelings, but I try to make a practice at night after everyone’s gone to bed, to take inventory of all this stuff inside me. And I listen to what it has to share instead of pushing it all under the rug.

It’s a good way to remind myself that I’m actually someone I can count on to be here for me. And it makes being in the world a lot easier.


Jessica Kane