The Greatest Show



The Greatest Show

(From Feed It to the Worms, a collection of very short stories for small children.)

Have you ever seen a clown riding a unicycle into the woods? I never did. Until today. And I was curious. So I followed him, at a safe distance. And I watched him stop at a clearing and take out all his clown gear: his juggling balls, his rabbit in a hat, his cards.

His audience arrived moments later. About 12 or 13 forest animals who gathered around to watch. And just like that, his act began. Right in the sparkly snow. And this clown gave everything he had. What a show! The animals didn’t clap or laugh, but they didn’t run away either.

And when his show was over, he smiled and bowed and hopped back onto his unicycle and rode it back out to the street.

The End.

Jessica Kanebatch 1.5